Another good one gone....Tory was a fine old gentleman...Ch.Rockin'B The Joker of Foxfire 23 August 1997-22 November 2007. Requiescat in Pace.
Ahhh...Picnik. Photo editing is cool. They had this groovy Halloween skeleton font too. Had to add a little bit of adolescent Finnian in his very best impersonation of a preying mantis! He is much bigger now, but this is one of his funniest pictures to date, hanging on the couch. I like the photo editing abilities. The auto adjust is great, since it picks out what should be done, without your needing a great pool of knowledge to do it yourself. It's free too!!
Ahhh....I knew he would make the cover of the Gazette one day....even if I had to make it up! He SHOULD be on there though.....looks GOOD on there....done with #28......moving on....
Here is the video that I warned you I would post of my dog earning his coursing title. Yep, listen up to the commentary by fine videographer, who clearly forgot the mike was on! Golden Retriever indeed! Could we BE more insulting?! And yes, my behind is overwhelmingly large, but there was no way for me not to be in the video.....
little Vampire Hunter D for you all! Anime and Vampires are fun! Youtube is cool, but I soo did this 100 years ago when I posted my zombie video! Thanks to the cool person who put this on Youtube and let people share it unlike the total loser whose video I tried to put up first, whose link said "I am a dork and you must go to MY YOUTUBE account to view my anime video that I already took from the people who created Vampire Hunter D" as if he was the one who drew it and put this stuff together in the first place. But, hey, props to this guy who set it up to the Godsmack music anyway, nice work, kudos to you, whoever you are!! Yes Karen, it may be a little scary for you....so don't look, you've been warned!
Hello, hello,
Is this thing on? This is my sample page....
a funny thing happened on the way to my blog....
very neat options here, could come in very handy....
the link is on the link list on the right side of the blog
Time for More Flickr Fun! Way too much serious blogging work going on here lately. Here is a little bit of the fat man for you all....Admire, if you will, the phenomena that is RuRu the Paw AKA RuRu Fatpants...officially named Loup Garou...because he is a Cajun werewolf......FEAR THE FAT.....(notice the mesmerizing eyes....do not look directly into them, or he will eat your soul....yes, even through your computer screen)
Evil dragon sees all.....do not try to avoid his laser gaze....he sees and knows all that occurs in his realm.....lizard is invincible....as long as he gets his fruits and veggies.....antioxidants are important, you know....they fight free radicals, and help William keep his youthful appearance....handsome devil.......
This may be the cutest puppy currently on the planet. You really could just bite his head clean off! It has been mentioned that he looks terribly worried. Even at such a young age he is already concerned about the situation in Iraq, the plight of the homeless, and the hole in the Ozone. I think he very much needs to be hugged (or to have his head bitten off!) The whole litter is equally socially aware, as they all seem to share the same overly concerned visage. The only bad part is that one day he will grow up into a Black and Tan Coonhound! Yes, I know exactly who I am offending, but "I dun all I can..." I figure I have leverage as long as there is a Chrysler 300 marooned in my driveway. BTW, if anyone needs any spare Chrysler parts, I'm taking offers......
What a fun little exercise in blogging.....! I had a great deal of fun with this image generator. I just uploaded a photo to my flickr account...came up with a witty little anecdote that the Banshee (mistress of all things small and evil) would approve of and whammo! here it is....I am becoming quite proficient at this....I highly recommend this....now, if only I could remember all of the passwords....good thing I wrote them down.....hard to to take over the world if you forget account names and passwords....but...after I commit them to memory, I'll have to eat the paper.....
Here is Thing 6 & 7 combined....posting and a card. I shall now post that this is the coolest trading card in the universe. I dare you to make a cooler one........didn't think so.......
I sooo like this technology......and I stole the trading card thing from Louisa's grandpuppy trading card thingy. This blogging thing has possibilities, and is quite entertaining......technology is fun......but it has its limitations (it will never replace a great dog or cat) and yes, this is my dog.....the very best dog ever....yep...I rock.....