Yep, that's what I wanted my plates to say, but the Ohio BMV has some absurd law about not having the word EAT on your license plate. C'mon, it's no different than eat my dust! Here she is, in all her glory, my favoritest car in the entire universe, that I have had since I was 17! Notice the restraint that she is showing in this picture from the Canfield Supernationals from many years ago. She has yet to puke on this mid 80's Camaro next to her that is clearly her mechanical, style, and intellectual inferior. Not to mention the owner of said vehicle, the shirtless wonder, with his wife beater tucked into his shorts, sporting what is no doubt a classic "Camaro mullet". Nice black out kit on the lights, and mini bra on the hood.....that sound you hear is me choking on my sarcasm. But enough of this mockery.....All Hail My '74 Z28....especially those of you who make fun of my other vehicle....you know who you are....but really, who are you kidding? You drive a grocery getter. I laugh at you! HAHAHAHA!
And yes, she came with a factory 8 Track, and wants to know if you have any Skynnyrd on ya....
What a cool Road Runner in the background! Can you move your Camaro so we can get a better look? Hee hee....!
Sure, I did have to move it later in the day anyway, so they could tow that Road Runner out of the show, since it wouldn't start. I seem to notice a pattern with those Chryslers....
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