Monday, October 29, 2007

Finnian the Mantis-zoi Thing #36

Finnian the Mantis-zoi
Originally uploaded by fitzroy74

Ahhh...Picnik. Photo editing is cool. They had this groovy Halloween skeleton font too. Had to add a little bit of adolescent Finnian in his very best impersonation of a preying mantis! He is much bigger now, but this is one of his funniest pictures to date, hanging on the couch. I like the photo editing abilities. The auto adjust is great, since it picks out what should be done, without your needing a great pool of knowledge to do it yourself. It's free too!!

1 comment:

Namaste said...

Spoiled pet photos. I love to see these. You definitely picked the right caption for your boy Finnian. Your blog is getting better by the day; you go girl!