Usenet/GoogleGroups. Yes yes,....discussion groups. Who doesn't belong to a discussion group? I have the misfortune to belong to several. None, however, are generated through Google, but rather through Yahoo. Most of these you have to sign up for, give info on yourself, and wait to be accepted to. Then they send you either a barrage of single emails, or, if you're like myself, a digest, where as many as 25 postings are sent to you in a single email. As I mentioned above, I belong to several newslists. The Borzoi News List, which is hosted by Yahoo, and is always fun, since there are ALWAYS people who forget to respond to an individual, and respond the whole list that "Yes, I saw what Mary was wearing at the show in Philly last weekend, when she had that horrible bitch is SUCH a house pet, know the one....the white with the brindle spot on the show side...yeah, THAT one, and her skirt was so tight, it made her butt look roughly the size of Texas". Then you get the inevitable next posting that says "Sorry, that was meant to go private" Oops, don't you look like quite the boob now! Then you get the sanctioning memo from the administrator of the list that such comments will not be tolerated and if it happens again, the perpetrator will be booted from the list! AHHHH, such shame and ignominity! Always entertaining, these newslists, and discussion groups! Join a few, have a laugh at someone else's expense, but beware! Know who you are responding to!!