Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Life is Just Merrier...When You Own a Terrier

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Catching Up Thing #46
Back To Work Thing #45
Thursday, June 5, 2008
It's Not Zombies.....It's THEM!

I don't know what Them are.....but they sure like sugar! Obligatory Summer Reading Plug for our Library! Check it out! http://www.libraryvisit.org
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Zombies Are Real...Know the Signs...Be Prepared
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I Have Finally Caved
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
Send me your friend links so I can check out your pages! Elaine, I lost yours, so send it to me so I can link to you. Gotta check this crap out. Also send me any suggestions for pimping out my page.........
Although I am in a serious snit about someone snarking my evilibrarian name for the link. But the first time I set it up, the site screwed up, so I just may have screwed myself..............
So I am evilibrarian1....DAMMIT....
Monday, May 19, 2008
Who, Exactly, Do You Think You're Manipulating, Here?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
If Only This Were Breaking News....
You Are 78% Evil |
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. |
Thanks Annette, great quiz! But I think we all knew how this was going to turn out for me.........
Friday, May 2, 2008
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Literature Nerd Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. | |
Gamer/Computer Nerd | |
Artistic Nerd | |
Musician | |
Anime Nerd | |
Social Nerd | |
Science/Math Nerd | |
Drama Nerd | |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Quizzes for MySpace |
Friday, April 18, 2008
Envy Me
I also got to see Chris Crutcher at the YSU English Festival which was pretty damn cool too. And he signed a book for me too. Yes, I'm an autograph junkie, wanna make something of it? Great author, great speaker, and hey, what's not to like about a guy who gives kids $20 bills as bookmarks! Hell of a guy, Chris Crutcher........
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
What Immortal Hand or Eye Dare Frame Thy Fearful Symmetry?
Monday, March 24, 2008
I Bow to the Master
I grovel at your feet..........oh Mistress of Information Services..........
Friday, March 21, 2008
Smurfing Idiots
You are cut off in traffic....."Mothersmurfer!"
A co-worker angers you...."Smurf Off!"
You stub your toe...."Son of a Smurf!"
Just to start you off....so a hearty Smurf This to you all!
Initiation Rites
well, I do aim to please....
I am now one with the Main branch..........
Monday, February 25, 2008
Not by the Hair of My Chinny Chin Chin!
Fitzroy the Border Terrorist demands to be let in! But no! I shall not let him, he'll huff and he'll puff, and he'll have to blow my door my door in! Or just get one of his big friends to knock it down........... Cute little thing...I think I'll go bite his head off.......
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A Pox Upon Bill Gates!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My Daemon....Here's a Shocker!

The Golden Compass
Daemon Test
Curmudgeonly Soul
You scored -11 Extroversion, -17 Sensitivity,
and -7 Openness!
You are an independent, confident person. You march to the beat of your own drum, and if other people don't like it, they can go #$&* themselves. You don't really care what they think, or at least you THINK that you don't care. You believe that people should live and let live.
You are an introverted soul, disliking the crowds of morons and idiots that you find at big parties or clubs. You prefer to be on your own, or with a couple close friends. When you are forced to be social, you get tired quickly. You need to curl up with a good book or spend a night on the computer to recharge.
You have a strong sense of self, and it doesn't bother you much when people criticize you, especially strangers. You care more about what your family thinks, but probably not enough to change yourself for them. In any case, your loved ones know that under that gruff, aggressive exterior there is a caring friend. Your daemon's form would represent your confident, occasionally aggressive and solitary nature, but might betray your softer underbelly. He or she would probably help you make fun of the idiots around you, but would also provide the comfort and affection that you sometimes deny yourself in everyday life.
Form suggestions: Badger, Jackal, Black Bear.