Monday, May 19, 2008

Who, Exactly, Do You Think You're Manipulating, Here?

So I have this angry, pissed off pinched nerve in my back. Physical therapy, not so helpful. Drugs, fun: check, recreational: check, helpful for pain: not so much. Everyone is yammering about going to see a chiropractor. I grew up in a family that consisted of a grandfather who was a MD, a mother who is a RN, and aunt who is an RN and my best friend's mother who is an RN. Not big fans of, as they like to call them "Witch Doctors". Not to mention the fact that someone twisting and cracking your neck and spine is a rather frightening prospect when you actually sit down and think about it. So I went, because I am tired of having my foot fall asleep while I am at my desk at work. Surprise, surprise, she's actually really cool. The radiographs of my spine were rather frightening, it turns out I am rather twisted (insert rude comment, or snort of laughter here). Yes, I realize that THAT was not a secret to anyone. I have now been cracked, and allegedly this will assist with my migraines. Jury is still out on that, we'll just have to see now won't we? Any opinions on chiropractors out there?


cary's girl said...

I've always heard that chiropracters are quacks, but my hubby swore by his. Said he did wonders for him when he threw out his back and was laid out for weeks. I hope it works out for you. And anything that could help migraines is worth a try, right?

I will have more info about the puppy soon, I promise. No more shoddy blogging from me.

Anonymous said...

Never been to chriopracter but know some people who swear by them. The thing is...did you feel better after seeing one? if so, then do it again.I had a syatic that was a pain in the a** and it had to do with the spine.... everything has to do with the spine. Good luck!