Sunday, January 13, 2008

Well, haven't been on the ol' blog for awhile. But in that time I discovered that I am not considered to be particularly technologically advanced. So I shall simply content myself to ranting on here about things I consider to be a bunch of crap! And of course, putting up pictures of my animals. However, to those who are considered to be so lofty and far above myself....I think that at least they should catch up and post the entirety of Library 2.0/2.1 as the rest of us untalented hacks have done. Enough for now.....


E. McGrew said...

Hmmm... I'm sure you're more technologically advanced than I am. Your blog looks cooler than mine! :) (And I think you have more readers...)

Awad said...

Your blog is awesome! What road block did you hit to cause this turnaround?