Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thing #43

So these Midi things are pretty cool. I played around with these the day before yesterday at home on my shiny new red laptop that I had to buy since the old desktop #$@% the bed on me last week! (Shiny red matching mousy appeared last night! Most Excellent!) (you have to do these things at home, you know, because of the aforementioned librarian love of porn which is why we're not allowed to download as much as an upgrade to Adobe to a work computer ourselves...but, I digress) Anyway.....You can make Mr. Rogers' "Won't you be my Neighbor?" sound like Satan is singing it...hahaha just funny funny stuff here. Don't see how I'll have much practical use for it, but I may play the adjusted version really loud for the Trick-or Treaters next year when the little beggars come around my house!If only I could have burned it for this year....! How cool is that? Like my house isn't scary enough.....

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